in the Hebrew and Greek Bibles Wisdom Literature

Introductions, Context, Proverbs

Week 1, August 20, Introductions

Syllabus (PDF)

Handout (LINK)

Week 2, August 27, Context

Wisdom in Ancient Israel and the Ancient Near East

Murphy 1–13; 151–175; skim 97–108

O’Connor 13–34

Optional: Robert B.Y. Scott, “Wisdom; Wisdom Literature” in Encyclopaedia Judaica, Second Edition, 2007. (PDF)

Survey of wisdom and wise ones in the Hebrew Bible outside the wisdom books.
Solomon: 1 Kings 3, 5, 10
Eve: Genesis 3
Torah: Deuteronomy 4:5–8; Psalm 19 (Psalm 119 optional)
Joseph: Genesis 41, 44
Daniel: Daniel 1–2

Week 3, September 3, Proverbs

Read and start to think about the Guide for Final Paper (LINK)

O’Connor 35–58 (older section of Proverbs)

Murphy 15–29 (Proverbs); 111–126 (Wisdom and Theology)

Proverbs 1–9, 31 (carefully); work through as much of Proverbs 10–30 as is profitable for you


Week 4, September 10

Murphy 33–46

O’Connor 86–113

Carol A. Newsom, “Job” in Women’s Bible Commentary, ed. Carol A. Newsom and Sharon H. Ringe, 138–144. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 1998. (PDF)

Read through the Book of Job at the level of detail possible

Outline of Arguments about Theodicy in the Book of Job (LINK)

Audio recording of class: part 1 (WMA), part 2 (WMA)

Week 5, September 17

Passages related to Job on the theme of contending with God (LINK)

Prepare for a close reading and discussion of the following chapters. Job 1–2; 9; 13; 15; 22; 23; 34; 40.

Start reading Gutiérrez

Week 6, September 24

Finish reading Gutiérrez

Handout on Job 42:6 (PDF)


Week 7, October 1

Murphy 49–60

O’Connor 114–133

Polish, Daniel F. “The Buddha as a Lens for Reading Koheleth/Ecclesiastes.” Journal of Ecumenical Studies 43, no. 3 (2008): 370–382. (PDF)

The Book of Ecclesiastes

Week 8, October 8

Barton, John. “An Example: Eccclesiastes.” In Reading the Old Testament: Method in Biblical Study, 61–76. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1984. (PDF)

Collins, Jewish Wisdom in the Hellenistic Age 1–20

Commentaries scavenger hunt (LINK)

Audio recording of class: part 1 (WMA), part 2 (WMA)


Week 9, October 15

Murphy 65–79

Collins, Jewish Wisdom 23–61

Sirach Foreword; 1–2; 24; 39–41; 50–51

Optional: O’Connor 134–159

Audio recording of class: part 1 (WMA), part 2 (WMA)

Week 10, October 22

Pamela M. Eisenbaum, “Sirach” in Women’s Bible Commentary, ed. Carol A. Newsom and Sharon H. Ringe, 298–304. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 1998. (PDF)

Murphy 133–147 (Lady Wisdom)

O’Connor 59–85 (Wisdom Woman)

Collins, Jewish Wisdom 62–111

Sirach, especially 25–26; 42. Also 9:1–9; 22:3–6; 23:22–27; 36:21–27.

Audio recording of class: part 1 (WMA), part 2 (WMA)

Video recording of class through Skype for Business: (MP4)

Slideshow (PPTX)

Week 11, October 29

Sirach 3:21–28; 32:15–17; 34:1–8; 39:1–5 using Argall’s translations (LINK)

Daniel 1–2; 7–9; 12

Epistle of Enoch Introduction and Apocalypse of Weeks (PDF)

Collins, Jewish Wisdom 222–232

Wright, Benjamin G. “1 Enoch and Ben Sira: Wisdom and Apocalypticism in Relationship.” In The Early Enoch Literature, edited by Gabriele Boccaccini and John J. Collins, 159–176. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2007. (PDF)

Video recording of class through Skype for Business: (MP4)

Wisdom of Solomon

Week 12, November 5

The Wisdom of Solomon, especially chapters 1–10

Murphy, 83–94

Collins, Jewish Wisdom 135–157; 178–195

Handout (LINK)

Video recording of class through Skype for Business: (MP4)

Week 13, November 12

The Wisdom of Solomon, especially chapters 10–19

Collins, Jewish Wisdom 196–221

Y. Amir and M. Niehoff, “Philo Judaeus” in Encyclopedia Judaica, Second Edition, 2007. (PDF)

Brief samples of the writings of Philo (LINK)

Optional: O’Connor 160–184

Handout (LINK)

Video recording of class through Skype for Business: (MP4)

Dead Sea Scrolls

Week 14, November 19

Collins, Jewish Wisdom 112–131

Harrington, Daniel J. “Wisdom Texts.” In Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls, edited by Lawrence H. Schiffman and James C. VanderKam, 976–980. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. (PDF)

Vermès, Géza. “Wisdom Literature,” and “Mysteries.” In The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English, 395–425; 389–390. New York: Allen Lane/Penguin, 1997. (PDF)

Goff, Matthew J. “Contents,” “Introduction,” and “Conclusion.” In Discerning Wisdom: The Sapiential Literature of the Dead Sea Scrolls, VTSup 116, vii–8; 287–308. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2007. (PDF)

Note that the numbers of Qumran texts are uniform, but the names are not. In particular, two imporant texts are referred to with different names in the readings.

Video recording of class through Skype for Business: (MP4)

November 26, Thanksgiving, no class meeting

December 3, Presentations of works in progress

December 10, Final Exam

December 14, Final Paper Due

Guide for Final Paper (LINK)